F.E.A.R is False Evidence Appearing Real

Feel the fear and do it anyway – Susan Jeffers

I always thought this was a pithy saying and mocked, “Yeah right, tell that to someone being chased by a cheetah!” But in the past several months I realized that there is some truth to it. I became well-acquainted with fear as I changed jobs and moved residence. I was afraid I would not find a home to live, and then I was afraid I would not get a rental agreement, and later I was afraid that I would not be able to register the girls in school… At a point, I was afraid of making a move in any direction. So many steps caused a paralysis that when things eventually turned out right, I was stunned by how much I had feared the outcomes. I realized that some challenges I’d built into gruesome obstacles were mere puny events that given the right strategies, could be overcome. Now, I know to feel the fear and do it anyway. I know not to let fear be a paralyzing emotion by remembering that it is false evidence appearing real.

Abi Adegboye
Abi Adegboye
Author, Speaker, and Coach.

1 Comment

  1. susan tayo says:

    So true! We always need to get going. Thanks Abi for reminding us.

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